Monday, 29 August 2011

Electrifying Benches....

Spotted by garden Goddess, Lia Leendertz on Clevedon Pier...

I keep thinking about the Hugh and 'Sam' one. What IS the story? In fact, I might just give a prize to the person who comes up with the best alternative... go sit on a bench, channel Griselda and let your electric imaginations flow. Then send me your story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was working on the assumption that 'Sam' was a man that Hugh had run off with, but it's too, too odd for the spurned party to then make a plaque up and put it on Clevedon pier. So my latest theory is that 'Sam' IS Hugh. His female alter ego. And actually the plaque is slightly celebratory, in a grudging kind of way. A sort of official acceptance.